Sacred Soul Package

Re-connect to your own Sacred Technology - your physical body

Receive deep healing to tend to your own pain

Nourish your Soul

Gain clarity of mind and access new levels of your own wisdom

Be certain of your next step

Ascend to the next evolution of Self

3 x 1: 1 In-house sessions

You, me and Source in a Sacred container of wisdom and transformation.

Your Soul knows the way, knows what to do next, and knows who you are at your deepest
level - powerful, on purpose, and abundant.

Your Soul knows the work you are here to do!

Feelings of being lost, stuck, confused or anxious are present because of a separation from
your Soul and a disconnection from the intuition and wisdom within.

Give yourself the time and space to return to that clarity.


Prioritise yourself ………..

RESET your nervous system, RE-CHARGE your self-awareness AND RE-CALIBRATE your
connection to Self.

Session 1

Resets your parasympathetic nervous system - moving you out of anger, anxiety, numbness
and people pleasing. Re-connect with the sacred technology of your own physical body.
This is the first step to deepening your ability to heal, connect to your own wisdom and
intuitive senses!

Involves anointing the body and energy fields with 11 sacred essential oils and blends, in
combination with energy work and the power of your own intention.

Session 2

Soul to Soul connection within a therapeutic and collaborative process.

Accessing the wisdom of your unique Soul Code and offering a space of reflection, exploring
what your Soul is inviting you to know and experience right now through your current
Confirmation, validation and insights around past influences that created where you are now.
Gaining a new perspective of the present, a sense of clarity around your next step, and
empowered in knowing yourself at a deeper level through integrating this new knowledge
and wisdom.

Session 3

Soul Synthesis Technique – Energy Healing

A multi-dimensional healing technique, where we invite all aspects of you to be present.
Symbols provide a stabilising structure to your core energy to assist in its evolution, they
have an innate wisdom that know and understands the current dimensional shifts that you
are experiencing.
The conscious and subconscious are invited to communicate through channeling with
Source Energy, and create deep healing on a cellular, Soul, Core & DNA level.

Tuning into the energetic frequency of the Universal continuum, Source energy, your own
light body, and the sacred technology of your physical body, together we uncover, explore,
and bring light, to the pain, programming and conditioning that is preventing you from being
in alignment with your Soul’s unique code, allowing you to unlock the keys to transforming
your consciousness and be in alignment with your divine path, your purpose and your true

Each session is unique to the needs of the individual on the day and will leave you feeling
empowered knowing yourself at a deeper level, with a renewed sense of clarity and
perspective around choices and decisions, aligned with your Souls forward direction, and the
stability to meet inevitable changes in your Self and your life.

Jacqueline Bell
APPLECROSS, Western Australia 6153
Phone: 0438617730

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