Jacqueline’s passion is working with heart-centred men and women, helping them to deepen their innate wisdom and intuition, connecting back to the light and magic that already exists inside of them, allowing them to live a life of purpose, abundance and authenticity.
Jacqueline herself, and her work is down-to-earth, grounded and practical.
She believes that our journey is to experience life – that we are a Soul having a human experience, so every aspect of our growth and healing needs to be useful and serve us on both levels.
Jacqueline offers a safe, non-judgemental and nurturing space, whether on-line or in person.
Sessions are packed full of insights, guidance, healings and reflections – no fluff! - truth bombs are delivered with tact, diplomacy and humour!
A healing journey with Jacqueline will leave you:
* With a deepened connection to Self.
* Clarity and knowing that aligns in body, mind and Soul.
* A deep sense of peace through healing current “life projects”
* Feeling unburdened and lighter – releasing and letting go through the physical, emotional & energetic bodies.
* With Intuitive knowing around your forward direction.
* Feeling strong, centred, stable and grounded in the energetic shifts, ready to meet inevitable changes in yourself and life.
* Feeling expansive and free to move forward in alignment with your Souls path.
* With a sense of freedom allowing you to take ownership of your own forward direction.
"In transforming the consciousness of one we transform the consciousness of all"
Psychic-Medium, Energy Healer, Life Coach & Holistic Counsellor,
Associate Certified Pranic Healer, Spiritual Mentor & Teacher, Meditation Teacher,
Orion Technique Theta Healing – Advanced & Intuitive Anatomy, Reiki Master & Teacher, Member of IICT.