Channelled Energy Healing

Move from 
disconnection, stagnation, separation, confusion & overwhelm
clarity, connection, centred presence & forward momentum.

The Soul Synthesis Technique is a channelled energy healing modality that assists you to move forward in the New Earth energies, aligning body, mind & soul, synchronising you with your Soul’s blueprint and identity - the true essence of self.

This technique was downloaded and created over13 years ago after I taught a Reiki Master class in Denmark WA, I have been working with it since then, and it is continuously evolving through my own personal growth, lived experiences and guidance from my Spirit team.

At the heart of this healing modality is a sequence of ancient symbols given to me by Spirit, which, when connected with your cellular structure, awakens dormant strands of DNA, and expands the pineal gland, allowing you to receive more light.

The symbols have an innate wisdom that know and understand the earthly transitions we are experiencing; the symbols connect you to your light body and reduce the conflict between the spiritual and earthly realms, and therefore the conflict within self. 

This inner conflict creates separation within – disrupting your nervous system and your clarity, leading you to drop into old stories, old conditioning, and structures that prevent you from moving forward.

The symbols provide a stabilising structure to your energy to assist in its evolution making you stronger to weather life’s chaos and see your way out of it clearly, allowing easier transition to the next level of self.
What can I expect in a session?
During the session we create an open space of reflection, allowing you to bring in all that is being held in your layers of consciousness, body, mind, soul and emotion, as well as any “life project/ challenge” you are experiencing at that time – which is a manifestation of your inner world. 

We bridge the gap between the physical and spiritual realms, connecting with your Guides and Universal Source energy.

Through channelling we gain insights, wisdom, perspective, guidance, and healing to bring light to the pain, programming and conditioning that is preventing you from being in sync with your Soul path, empowering you to unlock the keys to transforming your own consciousness.

Your energy is restored to its natural state of balance and flow, creating a new foundation, framework and structure within you, allowing you to take ownership of your forward direction with clarity and certainty, and to evolve to the next level of Self.

In aligning with yourself and your forward direction, the pathway to transformation is created.

This healing can include, but is not limited to:
    Opening and activating your own unique healing pathways.
    Alignment in body, mind & soul
    Removal of subconscious energetic blockages and stagnant energy on a core, genetic, ancestral, cellular and soul level, assisting you to move forward in the New Earth energies. 
    Healing of trauma and pain in nervous system
    Restoration of then nervous system
    Addressing core wounds through layers of consciousness, timelines, past lives, dimensional realities
    Resolution of contracts, oaths, vows, pledges, and promises.
    De-programming and removal of negative energies, entities, and implants.
    Identifying and releasing old belief structures, programs, conditions, learned behaviours and patterns and embedding new structures on all levels of your being.
    Retrieving and returning lost soul fragments.
    Synchronising with your Soul’s blueprint- allowing you to remember and accept your identity and accelerate your purpose in this lifetime. 
Re-connection with your soul’s identity allows the light inside of you to become one with the Universal light, facilitating surrender to your own divine plan.
    Re-alignment to your soul’s wisdom allows you to move beyond current limitations to a new understanding and awareness of self, allowing you to embrace your path of individuation, activate your own light and return to a space of truth within.
    Activating dormant DNA strands and sequences necessary for the next evolution of Self.
    Activating your inner power and knowing, allowing for freedom and evolution to step into the next level of self.

Each session is channelled to meet the unique needs of the individual on the day.

What will I experience during or after a session?
Those who have participated in a healing journey have reported experiencing:
*  A deepened connection to Self.
*  Clarity and knowing that aligns in body, mind and soul.
*  A deep sense of peace through healing current “life projects”
  *  Feeling unburdened and lighter – releasing and letting go through the physical, emotional & energetic bodies.
*  An intuitive knowing around your forward direction.
*  Feeling strong, centred, stable and grounded in the energetic shifts, ready to meet inevitable changes in themselves and their life.

Energy Healings are available online and in-person

Packages are available for those who are committed to their own healing and growth journey, 
seeking self-accountability through a regular check-in with themselves.
There are several options so you get to choose what suits your needs and your budget!

55 minute Session Packages - In Person or Online

85 minute Session Packages - In Person or Online

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Jacqueline Bell
MELVILLE, Western Australia 6153
Phone: 0438617730
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