What is the ParaSET Technique?
This technique resets your parasympathetic nervous system - moving you out of the fight,
flight, stress and trauma response, which can create self-sabotage from within your
subconscious, around your goals and forward direction, and leave you feeling lost,
disconnected, stuck and confused!
Accessing our parasympathetic state is an essential first step to deepening our ability to heal
and our connection to our intuitive senses!
A nervous system in flight or flight can challenge our ability to maintain that knowing and
connection, leading us to doubt our own intuition - our internal GPS and resulting in a lack of
clarity around our choices and decisions - or worse indecision - and feelings of being stuck!
The ParaSET technique is a gentle yet deeply transformative technique involving anointing
the body and energy fields with 11 sacred essential oils and blends, in combination with
energy work and the power of your own intention.
Many of the oils used are intensely calming, grounding and soothing to the senses, allowing
the recipient to be anchored into their natural state of balance.