Psychic & Soul Readings

Soul to Soul connections within a Sacred container of wisdom and Universal Light.

Psychic Readings
At times, we all seek insights, clarity, and guidance to better understand the "what," "why," "where," and "when" in our lives.

A psychic reading is focused on you and your current situation, experience or life project.
A reading offers not only validation and confirmation of the past influences that have brought you to where you are now, the clarity and reflection being offered by the present, but also the wisdom to navigate future opportunities and possibilities.

The intention of a Psychic Reading is to provide you with information and knowledge that you require in order to make informed decisions about yourself, your life and your way forward, and to provide the understanding and connections necessary to facilitate healing in that process.

In a psychic reading I connect to the essence of your Soul, your Guides and the Universal light. 
Channelling through a variety of means - clairaudience, clairvoyance, claircognisance, clairsentience, oracle cards and mediumship to bring through messages, insights and wisdom from “the other side” — whether from Spirit, your Guides and Angels, or loved ones who have passed.

You will gain a new perspective and understanding of the present, a deeper connection to your own Soul, clarity in your forward direction, deeper self-awareness, and a sense of empowerment in your own life choices.

Readings are available on-line, as well as in-person.
Soul Readings
Your Soul’s divine blueprint was created by you, for you, before you incarnated into this physical experience.
Your blueprint is designed to hold the key to everything that you have chosen to experience in this lifetime in the evolution of your Soul.

Soul Readings are an opportunity for us to journey together, accessing the frequencies and wisdom of your Soul’s divine blueprint, exploring what your Soul is inviting you to know and experience right now through your current life project or circumstances, and understand how your energy is evolving in relation to your blueprint.

This reading helps you uncover, understand and accept the gift of the experience(s) that is currently playing in your life, what aspect of you has created it, and the wisdom and growth that this experience is designed to provide you with.

Accepting the gift of the lesson and integrating this knowledge provides you with a clear and practicable path forward to the next version of Self.

A  Soul Reading is a therapeutic and collaborative process, where I hold a space of reflection, truth and healing, allowing you to explore more of who you are, bringing forward messages and wisdom from your Soul and your Guides, gently illuminating the pathway forward and guiding you deeper towards your own light and truth, your path, purpose and direction.

Spirit does not necessarily always give you what you want or expect, during a Reading but they will give you what you need!
Expect truth delivered with compassion, tact, and a touch of humour to guide you on your path forward.

Readings are available on-line, as well as in-person.


Jacqueline Bell
MELVILLE, Western Australia 6153
Phone: 0438617730
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