We open to a psychospiritual journey of inquiry around your Soul Code, all levels of consciousness presenting, and the life “project” that you are currently experiencing at that time – which is simply a manifestation of your inner world.
We explore all that presents, inviting in healing, new knowledge, wisdom and perspective, creating a space for processing, healing and transformation on cellular, Soul, DNA and core levels of your being. Integrating the experience within you, allowing for a return to one-ness within, and creating the foundation and clarity for you to evolve to the next level of Self.
At the heart of this technique is a sequence of ancient symbols given to me by Sprit, which when connected with your cellular structure, awaken dormant DNA and expand the pineal gland, allowing you to receive more light.
The symbols provide a stabilising structure to your core energy to assist in its evolution, making you stronger to overcome life’s challenges and see your way out of it clearly, allowing easier transition to the next level of self.
They have an innate wisdom that knows and understands the earthly transitions and dimensional shifts that you, as an individual, and we as a collective, are currently experiencing.
The symbols connect you to your light body and eliminate the conflict between the spiritual and earthly dimensions, and therefore the conflict within self.
This inner conflict creates separation within – disrupting your nervous system and your clarity, leading you to drop into old stories, old conditioning, and structures that prevent you from moving forward.
During a session we will dive deeply into the layers of your core being, facilitating connection to your own sacred technology – your body and soul.
All layers of consciousness are invited to communicate through channelling with your Soul and Source, creating deep healing on a Cellular, Soul, Core & DNA level.
Tuning into the energetic frequency of the Universal continuum, Source energy, the frequency of your own light body, the wisdom of your Soul, and the sacred technology of your physical body, together we uncover, explore, and bring light, to the pain, programming and conditioning that is preventing you from being in alignment with your Soul’s unique code, allowing you to unlock the keys to transforming your own consciousness.
The process creates a new foundation, framework and structure within you, allowing you to be alignment with your divine path and purpose, and to take ownership of your forward direction with clarity and certainty.
Each session is unique to the needs of the individual on the day.
Each session is unique to the needs of the individual on the day.